Parkway Technology - News about Technology - Page 5

Divide and conquer formula described

Divide and Conquer is definitely an algorithmic paradigm (sometimes mistakenly known as “Divide and Concur” – an interesting and apt name), much like Greedy and Dynamic Programming. An average Divide and Conquer formula solves an issue while using following three steps. 1. Divide: This requires dividing the issue into some sub problem. 2. Conquer: Sub problem by calling recursively until sub problem solved. 3. Combine:...

What’s artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence may be the entertainment of human understanding shown  by Machine, that involves responsiveness and  emotionally. AI may be the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer. Within the digital world, Artificial intelligence  is most critical innovation which could create a data centric to being aware of customer’s background and to advantageous awareness for promoting and marketing. AI  is among the branches in technology world that is representative of machine creation like individual thinking, interacting....